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  • The Dish on Chef Mick: An Inspiring Tale of Humble Beginnings to Culinary Triumph

    The Dish on Chef Mick: An Inspiring Tale of Humble Beginnings to Culinary Triumph

    Nestled within Hong Kong's iconic California Tower in the bustling Lan Kwai Fong district lies Porterhouse, a haven for seafood and steak enthusiasts. At the helm of this culinary sanctuary...

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  • Discover Hong Kong's Coastal Gems: 11 Breathtaking Beaches to Explore This Summer

    Discover Hong Kong's Coastal Gems: 11 Breathtaking Beaches to Explore This Summer

    In Search of Clear Blue Ocean Water? Planning a fun day out with friends and family? Look no further – we’ve created the ultimate guide for the best bucket list...

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  • Dive into the World of Mother Pearl's New Mural by Elsa Jean de Dieu at California Tower

    Dive into the World of Mother Pearl's New Mural by Elsa Jean de Dieu at California Tower

    Mother Pearl, the first plant-based bubble tea in Hong Kong, is making waves this summer with their "Pearls of Summer" campaign, reintroducing the beloved Guava Gabrielle and launching two new...

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  • Suara Festival 2024

    Everything you need to know about Suara Festival 2024

    Suara Festival is back, with multi-stage music, cultural performances, arts, markets, and more at Bali’s Nuanu City. Here’s what to look forward to. About the Festival: Set against the breathtaking...

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  • What’s On: Best Events, Art Shows, & Festivals in Hong Kong This July 2024

    What’s On: Best Events, Art Shows, & Festivals in Hong Kong This July 2024

    Roll on Summer this July in Hong Kong!  July in Hong Kong brings forth a vibrant array of cultural celebrations and entertainment, offering contemporary exhibitions and events hosted by Flowdan,...

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  • Lets Get Ravey: Ultra Hong Kong makes its debut

    Lets Get Ravey: Ultra Hong Kong makes its debut

    The world's premier electronic music festival, boasting elite DJs and unparalleled production comes to Hong Kong on 14 September 2024 to Central Harbourfront Hong Kong's music scene is about to be...

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  • What’s On: Best Events, Art Shows, & Festivals in Hong Kong This May 2024

    What’s On: Best Events, Art Shows, & Festivals in Hong Kong This May 2024

    May in Hong Kong brings forth a vibrant array of cultural celebrations and entertainment, offering something for everyone to enjoy. From the cherished traditions of the local Cheung Chau Bun...

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  • What’s On: Best Events, Art Shows, Festivals in Hong Kong This April 2024

    What’s On: Best Events, Art Shows, Festivals in Hong Kong This April 2024

    April in Hong Kong brings forth a vibrant array of cultural celebrations and entertainment, offering something for everyone to enjoy. From the cherished traditions of the local Ching Ming Festival,...

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  • Oh la la: Wild Wild Tour comes to Hong Kong in May

    Oh la la: Wild Wild Tour comes to Hong Kong in May

    It's getting hot in here! Brace yourself for an unforgettable performance by a group of buff, half-naked Korean oppas in the Wild Wild Show. Think Magic Mike, but with a...

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Jungle Island Music Festival 2024

    The Ultimate Guide to Jungle Island Music Festival 2024

    On March 15, 10 live bands and around 50 DJs will take over Island Club and bring a weekend of unforgettibable beats, tunes and grooves to Lantau’s iconic Tai Long Wan...

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  • Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Hong Kong Sevens at the Official After Party in Lan Kwai Fong

    庆祝香港国际七人榄球赛30周年 蘭桂坊官方赛后派对

      香港国际七人榄球赛,这场享誉全球的体坛盛事将以它的30周年纪念日热烈回归。来自世界各地的球迷一齐欢聚在标志性的香港大球场为顶尖球队打气欢呼,并将在比赛结束后来到热闹非凡的蘭桂坊官方赛后派对继续庆祝!准备好沉浸在橄榄球狂热的气氛中!我们将为你带来这场体育盛事以及蘭桂坊协会所举办的官方赛后派对的终极指南和最新情报:     香港大球场的最后决战:   连续三日的精彩榄球盛事和庆典,无论你是忠实球迷抑或是到场感受比赛氛围的观众,现场气氛都将在香港大球场达到顶峰!今年的比赛更加具有意义,因为今年将是香港国际七人榄球赛最后一次在标志性的香港大球场举办,赛事举办地将在2025年移至香港启德体育园。球迷们抓住最后机会!大家一起见证这场令人心跳加速的”战斗”,并尽情享受这场体育盛会的激动氛围!  蘭桂坊官方赛后派对:  日期:2024年4月5日(星期五)  时间:晚上8-11点  随着香港大球场在星期五晚上的最后一声哨响,庆祝活动将继续在蘭桂坊的官方赛后派对进行。蘭桂坊活跃的夜生活和繁华的娱乐场景让整个街区充满了生动和欢乐,这为一场热闹非凡的榄球赛后派对搭建了最好的舞台。蘭桂坊一直是大家所最喜爱的欢庆之地,比赛的第一天晚上人们将一起在这里为香港最受喜爱的体育赛事举杯喝彩,尽情享受竞技体育带来的热血!    无止境的庆祝之夜:   尽情享受蘭桂坊官方赛后派对,这里充满具有节奏感的音乐、令人惊喜的娱乐活动,你将被众多橄榄球爱好者充满活力的气氛所包围!这场热闹的派对会即刻激发你的多巴胺,让你伴随夜色、灯光与人群感受惊喜连连!举杯欢庆,准备好沉醉在橄榄球所孕育出的热血运动精神之中。    难忘的惊喜体验:   香港国际七人榄球赛蘭桂坊官方赛后派对,为你的派对活动提供一系列独家亮点:   尊享独家餐饮礼遇:沉浸于蘭桂坊独有的美食和饮品。参与活动的商户处至多可享受“餐饮半价"的优惠以及特别折扣,让你在庆祝比赛的同时能够品尝到各种美味,绝对惊艳你的味蕾。   脸部彩绘尽情表达榄球精神:大胆释放你的创意!我们将提供免费的脸部彩绘服务,帮助你尽情展现橄榄球热血。只需出示在参与活动商户的消费凭证,你就可以享受这个独特而有趣的体验,为你的赛后派对之旅增添额外的惊喜。  在打卡地捕捉奇妙回忆:蘭桂坊以其生机勃勃的气氛和活力有趣的环境而闻名。发现几个适合打卡的地方,比如充满活力的街牌或吸引人的背景,你可以在那里捕捉并记录你最难忘的时刻。     立即购票!  千载难逢,万勿错过!立即于香港国际七人榄球赛官方網站上购票,感受激动人心的体坛盛事! 餐饮禮遇(4月2日至7日):  蘭桂坊一系列的优惠*将会让你在街上延续球场上的高涨情绪: *受条款及细节约束

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  • Art Basel & More: Events & Exhibitions Guide to Hong Kong Art Month 2024

    Art Basel & More: Events & Exhibitions Guide to Hong Kong Art Month 2024

    March in Hong Kong is a bustling celebration of creativity, marking the world city's Art Month with an array of events that showcase both global and local art scenes. The...

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