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  • Ultimate 5-Day Vietnam Itinerary: Ho Chi Minh City and Vung Tau, where to stay, where to shop, what to do

    Ultimate 5-Day Vietnam Itinerary: Ho Chi Minh City and Vung Tau, where to stay, where to shop, what to do

    Going to Vietnam the first time was life-changing for sure; maybe because it was all so new and different to my life before and the world, I grew up in....

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  • AIA Carnival 2023: Hong Kong's Winter Extravaganza Returns! Tickets on Sale Now


    对于热衷于狂欢节的人来说,这是一个令人兴奋的消息! AIA 嘉年华门票将于 10 月 9 日起透过 发售,专为那些寻求增值门票、餐饮礼券和其他现有奖品的人士提供,仅在 上发售。 AIA嘉年华:香港冬日欢乐乐园 随着备受期待的 AIA 嘉年华回归,香港的冬季即将变得更加精彩。作为这座城市最具代表性的活动之一,AIA 嘉年华将为所有年龄段的游客提供一个充满乐趣、娱乐和身临其境的体验的世界。期待一系列令人兴奋的景点和表演,以及活动前的全市促销活动,其中包括“金票”VIP 体验。 关于友邦嘉年华:欢乐冬日仙境 AIA嘉年华是一年一度的冬季节庆活动,吸引了香港居民和游客的心。今年的嘉年华会将于2023年12月21日至2024年2月25日于中环海滨活动空间举行。凭借一系列充满活力的嘉年华游乐设施、游戏、街头表演和身临其境的自拍机会,AIA 嘉年华承诺将游客带入一个丰富多彩的新娱乐世界。 终极 VIP 体验:黄金门票 对于那些寻求难忘体验的人来说,有一个令人兴奋的机会来赢得终极 VIP 体验 - 黄金门票。 10 月...

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  • Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance Guide 2023: What to Check Out and Where to Watch

    Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance Guide 2023: What to Check Out and Where to Watch

    The Mid-Autumn Festival, a centuries-old tradition deeply rooted in Chinese culture, is set to illuminate our city later this September. This year, the festival promisesto be a dazzling spectacle of...

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  • Shuffle Nightclub: Your Ultimate Party Destination in Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong

    Shuffle Nightclub: Your Ultimate Party Destination in Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong

    Find out everything you need to know about Shuffle. Find out why it’s one of the hottest nightclubs that ticks all boxes, in Hong Kong’s party capital Lan Kwai Fong.

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  • Izakayas to Try in Central For Friendly Evening Bites and Drinks

    Izakayas to Try in Central For Friendly Evening Bites and Drinks

    If you would like to loosen up after work with friends, check out these Japanese izakayas in Central where you can eat, drink, and enjoy a convivial atmosphere.

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  • Restaurant & Bars News in September

    Restaurant & Bars News in September

    Indulge in a culinary adventure this September with our handpicked selection of the best pop-ups and bar openings. From Michelin-starred delights from Norway to prohibition-inspired cocktails, we have curated an...

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  • A Prohibition-Inspired Cocktail Experience by Agung and Laura Prabowo, the Visionaries behind Penicillin


    LOCKDOWN, a unique cocktail experience and tribute to Hong Kong's lockdown period. Curated by Agung and Laura Prabowo, of The Old Man and Penicillin.   

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  • The Best Boozy Brunch Menus in Hong Kong For Scrumptious Bites and Great Sips

    严选香港最佳高档Brunch 满足舌尖上的刺激

    If you are looking for the perfect pour to go along with your hangout this weekend, here are the best boozy brunches in Hong Kong to check out.

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  • The Best Festivals and Events in September


    Discover the Top Festivals and Events to Experience in Hong Kong this September 

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  • Hungry Ghost Festival in Hong Kong: Exploring the Supernatural Realm and Cultural Traditions


    Uncover the supernatural realm and cultural traditions of Hong Kong's Hungry Ghost Festival. Explore the origins, superstitions, and Dos and Don'ts during we uncover the rich heritage of Hong Kong and...

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  • What to Expect at Gin Fest 2023: A Celebration of Gin in Hong Kong

    Gin Fest 2023 不可不知的亮点: 香港杜松子酒巡礼

    Gin Fest 2023 即将在今个周末举行,如果你已经准备好到美利酒店参加今次活动,立即预浏一下今个活动的焦点! 立即购买门票 全城最大最齐杜松子酒盛会 8 月 25 日至 26 日的Gin Fest,是香港最大型的毡酒活动。今次活动提供精选优质、精酿和来自世界各地的毡酒以及佳肴、由各大品牌举办的品酒大师班,以及与其他毡酒爱好者交流的机会,为大家提供了体验毡酒独一无二的机会。   全球特色毡酒巡礼 这场备受期待的活动汇集了 100 多个知名毡酒品牌,展示一系列的精酿毡酒。从原产于苏格兰的Barra毡酒,到来自充满活力的越南胡志明市酿造的西贡毡酒,甚至日本开创的KI NO BI 手工毡酒酿酒厂,Gin Fest 提供了数之不尽的款式,必定可以满足到不同毡酒爱好者的需求。 身位 @monkey47 及 @kinobi_jp 品牌大使的Jade Lau (@jadelau)将于第一天举办的Monkey 47 大师班,活动的目的是聚集同好者,享受精选的顶级毡酒并尝试深入学习。这个地方可以让您同时品尝多款不同的毡酒。 “作为品牌大使,我迫不及待地想分享我最喜欢的毡酒,以及他们背后的故事,并认识更多的毡酒爱好者。""  ...

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  • Savour the Summer: Must-Attend Events in Hong Kong This July 2023

    全身暑假: 7月必去活动及好去处

    This summer, limitless possibilities await for you to seize the month and make it yours. Here are the most exciting events to experience in Hong Kong, this July 2023!

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