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  • Jade Lau Gin Fest 2024

    Celebrate World Gin Day at GinFest 2024 in Hong Kong

    Join us in celebration of World Gin Day at GinFest 2024, Hong Kong's largest gin event. Presented by WineLuxe, GinFest returns for its third instalment in Hong Kong. Prepare for...

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  • HKWALLS Festival 2024: Hong Kong's biggest street art festival is here

    HKWALLS Festival 2024: Hong Kong's biggest street art festival is here

    The highly anticipated HKWALLS Festival 2024 has arrived where international and local artists come together to paint large murals across the vibrant streets of Hong Kong. From March 23 to 31, this nine-day...

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  • The Ultimate Guide to ComplexCon Hong Kong

    The Ultimate Guide to ComplexCon Hong Kong

    For the first time ever, ComplexCom will be hosted outside the USA! From 22 – 24 March 2024, Hong Kong is set to witness an exhilarating fusion of music, fashion,...

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  • HYROX Hong Kong Fitness + Wellness Expo 2023: Races, Talks, Tickets, & More

    HYROX Hong Kong Fitness + Wellness Expo 2023: Races, Talks, Tickets, & More

    Now on its third edition, the Hong Kong Fitness + Wellness Expo (FWE) will turbocharge a weekend of empowerment, discovery, and fitness frenzy at the AsiaWorld-Expo on Nov. 25-26. From...

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  • What to Know About Gin Fest 2.0 & Spirits Fest 2023: Tickets & Workshops

    What to Know About Gin Fest 2.0 & Spirits Fest 2023: Tickets & Workshops


Whether you're a seasoned drink connoisseur, a curious spirit enthusiast, or simply in search of a good time, there's many a compelling reason not to miss Gin Fest 2.0 &...

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  • AIA Carnival 2023 Rides

    Experience the Thrills and Win Big at the AIA Carnival Rush on November 18th!

    As a Proud Supporting Partner of the AIA Carnival, get ready for an adrenaline-fueled adventure at the AIA Carnival Rush, happening on November 18th from 12pm to 4pm. This is...

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  • Where to Celebrate Oktoberfest 2023 in Hong Kong

    Where to Celebrate Oktoberfest 2023 in Hong Kong

    Originating from Munich, Germany and first held over 200 years ago, Oktoberfest has found its way to various parts of the world – including Hong Kong! From traditional beer tents...

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  • Ultimate Guide to S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival in August 2023


    泼水节是泰国最重要、最著名的节日之一。一方面,它是泰国人参拜寺庙、家庭聚会和一年一度的大扫除的日子,另一方面,它更代表着激烈的水战、音乐和欢乐。   作为泰国一年一度新年的庆祝活动,拨水节被称为“世界上最大的水战”,象征着洗去厄运、迎接新的开始。 2015 年,曼谷推出了泼水节音乐节 (S2O),凭借其强大的舞台设计、世界知名的本地 DJ 阵容以及独一无二的音乐风格,在当地人和国际游客中引起了轰动 事件。为了增强整体体验,还设置了 360° 喷水系统,让粉丝随着节拍跳舞、流汗,全身被淋湿。此一年一度的盛事已遍及亚洲至日本、韩国、台湾,并于 2023 年首次登陆香港,成为香港历史上最大的音乐盛事之一。   香港S2O泼水音乐节 对于派对,香港人实在有太多的选择。除了遍布香港充满活力和多层次派对场景和独立歌手1演出外,这里还将在 2023 年举办两个主要节日——今年 7 月 29 日至 30 日举行的海滩嘉年华 The NextWave 以及在十二月举行的户外音乐和艺术节Clockenflap。 S2O 香港泼水音乐节,将自己定位为今年最盛大的庆祝活动之一。 S2O...

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  • Celebrate World Gin Day at Dead& in Lan Kwai Fong!

    Celebrate World Gin Day at Dead& in Lan Kwai Fong!

    World Gin Day is just around the corner, and we're thrilled to invite you to join the festivities at Dead & in Lan Kwai Fong! Get ready for an incredible...

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  • Experience the Flavours of Thailand in the Heart of Hong Kong: Thai SELECT Carnival Comes to Lan Kwai Fong!


    兰桂坊协会很荣幸地宣布与泰国政府商务部通过辖下之国际贸易促进部 (DITP) 合作举办泰精选嘉年华,嘉年华将于 4 月 22 日举行的街头派对,诚邀大家一同参与这场感官盛宴。   值得期待 4 月 22 日的中午开始,嘉年华将会有正宗泰国美食、文化表演、泰国服装比赛、现场音乐等等。尽情享用最好的泰国街头美食,包括来自 Super Thai Food 的芒果糯米饭、泰式蛋糕和甜点,以及来自 Cocoparadise 和其他 30 个泰国品牌的椰子小吃和饮料。   FUJIFILM到时亦会摆设照相亭,令大家可以用泰精选照片和相框拍照留念,作为兰桂坊泰国庆祝活动的纪念品。另外一定要参加Andara Phuket 举办的幸运抽奖活动,有机会赢取有机柠檬草乳液或普吉岛领先度假村之一的豪华酒店住宿等精美礼品。 泰精选嘉年华将为免费入场,并向公众开放,所以记得带上您的朋友和家人,在下午和晚上享受香港和泰国之间的乐趣和文化交流。为了获得额外奖励,任何通过以下表格注册的人都可以在整个周末在任何 LKF Concepts 分店消费 $500后获得$100的餐饮券。立即注册!

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  • Get Your Groove On: The Official 2023 Hong Kong Sevens After Party at Lan Kwai Fong #PartyOn

    尽情享受:2023 年香港国际七人榄球赛官方赛后派对即将在兰桂坊举行 #PartyOn

    您准备好迎接全新的香港国际七人榄球赛体验吗?于 3 月 31 日至 4 月 2 日,兰桂坊将会举行2023年的香港国际七人榄球赛官方赛后派对! 在观看顶级橄榄球队在球场上激战一整天之后,是时候放松一下了。著名的 DJ 播放最热门的歌曲,一同在香港的派对中心- 兰桂坊炫耀自己的舞步! 我们还为您准备了一系列精彩的活动,让您能尽情享受整个夜晚。美味的食物和饮料足以能满足你的味蕾, 技艺高超的魔术师就在您眼前表演令人目瞪口呆的魔术,我们更与 可口可乐® 合作,摆设了专用照相亭,等大家可以尽情记录低精彩一刻。 可口可乐® 更会将他们的魔力带到派对上。他们将在兰桂坊的Cassio、Department & Co 等多间酒吧, 推广可口可乐®混合鸡尾酒和无酒精鸡尾酒。 Co、Carbon Brews 等等! 您可以一边品尝您最喜爱的可口可乐®饮品,一边在香港最受欢迎的地点之一享受派对氛围。购买任何 可口可乐® 饮料混合鸡尾酒或无酒精鸡尾酒,您还将获得免费的 可口可乐®...

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  • Carlsberg Smooth Draught in LKF

    Carlsberg Smooth Draught in LKF

      Hong Kong Sevens 2022 is back after a much-anticipated three-year hiatus!  With the thrilling tackles and tries on the pitch and never-ending excitement in the stands, Hong Kong 7s...

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