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One Love Asia Festival Hong Kong 2024 | 29 June - 01 July

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由IMC Live Global舉辦的One Love Asia Festival音樂節將於今年再次盛大舉行,並首次登陸香港!為期三天的音樂節將雲集本地和海外歌手,迎來豪華陣容,包括新晉歌手SICA 何洛瑤 和WINWIN 楊安妮、搖滾樂團八三夭、音樂才子韋禮安、金曲歌后田馥甄、唱作全才張敬軒、率性女聲閻奕格、金曲歌后徐佳瑩、全能天王周湯豪、搖滾天團動力火車、華語天后孫燕姿、台灣創作歌手艾怡良、香港創作歌手AGA 江海迦、香港流行樂隊RubberBand、亞洲舞王羅志祥以及香港男團MIRROR的4 位團員Keung To 姜濤、Anson Lo 盧瀚霆、Jer 柳應廷、Jeremy 李駿傑。這場音樂饗宴將有15組藝人輪流上陣,分別帶來40分鐘無間斷的精彩演出。 除了沉浸於躁動的氛圍中,觀眾還可以盡情享受多方位的娛樂體驗,包括垂涎三尺的美食,度過一個難以忘懷的周末。
Presented by IMC Live Global, the mega music and lifestyle extravaganza, One Love Asia Festival returns this year with its debut in Hong Kong! Over three days, this festival will showcase an exceptional lineup of both local and international artists, featuring talents such as SICA and WINWIN, 831, WeiBird, Hebe Tien, Hins Cheung, Janice Yan, Lala Hsu, NICKTHEREAL, Power Station, Stefanie Sun, Eve Ai, AGA, RubberBand, Show Lo, and the four members of Hong Kong's MIRROR: Keung To, Anson Lo, Jer Lau, and Jeremy Lee. With 15 acts taking the stage, each delivering 40 minutes of uninterrupted entertainment, attendees are in for an unforgettable experience. Beyond the music, audiences can enjoy a diverse range of entertainment offerings and tantalizing cuisine, promising a weekend filled with memories to cherish.

General Admission:
1-Day Pass: HKD 980
3-Day Pass: HKD 1980

Premium Admission: 
1-Day Pass: HKD 1,280
3-Day Pass: HKD 2,580