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YOASOBI Live In Hong Kong | 26-27 December

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The YOASOBI show on 26 & 27 December 2024 is now all sold out – thanks for your support! If you missed out, sign up to our waitlist and be the first to know if any additional tickets become available.

謝謝大家的支持,2024年12月26、27日的演出門票已經全部售罄!加入wait list,如有任何門票釋出通知,屆時將會通知各位。


🎸超人氣日本二人唱作天團 YOASOBI 眾望回歸 今年重返香港專場開唱

被廣泛認可為令和世代最具代表性唱作神話,由 Ayase 及 ikura 組成的 YOASOBI 去年底於 Clockenflap 音樂及藝術節作首度香港公演,展示其震撼性舞台魅力,甫完場即令歌迷期盼他們儘早重返香港舞台,事隔一年終於等到了!今年12月26-27日,YOASOBI 將回訪香港,登上亞洲國際博覽館 Arena 的大舞台。

2019 年組成的 YOASOBI(夜遊び)在成立初期時,由於只有夜間才有暇兼顧音樂創作,遂把無數夜晚的構思和練習視為「在夜晚玩耍」而得名。起初受託以網絡小說為主題創作音樂,YOASOBI 順利把「小說x音樂」的概念發揮得淋漓盡致,迅速建立起充滿鮮明故事性的音樂風格。

憑藉 Ayase 現象級的創作力和 ikura 兼備爆發性及通透感的獨特嗓音,YOASOBI 出道未幾即成為日本國內排行榜單的常客,出道曲〈夜に駆ける〉更是全日本第一首突破了十億串流播放量的歌曲。繼為小說作曲後,人氣急升的 YOASOBI 遂受邀為多套人氣動畫創作OP或ED,其中為《我推的孩子》第一季所寫的主題曲〈Idol〉,更成為有史以來首支 Billboard 全球單曲榜冠軍歌的日語歌曲,今年又再受邀參演全球最具指標性的音樂節之一 Coachella,可見 YOASOBI 已經不只於日本音樂界舉足輕重,更成為當地文化輸出的旗手之一。

今次 YOASOBI 再度來港亞博開唱,他們除了帶來多首膾炙人口的名曲以外,還會攜同什麼驚喜呢?不如留待12月26-27號,現場感受這份感動,一起渡過這場珍貴至極的現場體驗吧!音樂會門票將於9月4日早上11時 KKTIX 公開發售,大家準備好搶飛喇!

🎧 夜に駆ける Into The Night
🎧 The Blessing
🎧 群青 Gunjo
🎧 On the Stage

Get ready for an electrifying experience as the J-pop superstars YOASOBI makes their highly-anticipated return to Hong Kong!

Since their unforgettable debut performance at Clockenflap Music and Arts Festival last year, where they attracted one of the largest crowds in the festival's history, fans have been eagerly waiting for their comeback, and the time has finally come. The super duo will be doing their first-ever headline shows in Hong Kong, on 26 and 27 December at AsiaWorld-Arena. Tickets will go on sale on 4 September at 11am via KKTIX.

YOASOBI is known for their unique blend of J-pop and storytelling, transforming novels and tales into captivating songs. Since their debut in 2019, the duo — comprised of Ayase (composer) and ikura (vocals) — has taken the music world by storm, delivering mega hits like “Into The Night”, “IDOL”, and “Gunjo”. Their innovative sound and compelling lyrics have captured hearts both in Japan and around the globe.

Whether you're a longtime fan or new to their music, this concert is not to be missed! Mark your calendars and secure your tickets for an experience you won't soon forget!


節目資訊 Event Information

Show Date
2024年12月26/27日 (星期四及五)
Thur & Fri, 26 / 27 December 2024
Show Time
亞洲國際博覽館 Arena
地  址
AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Ticket Price
企位 Standing:HK$1,480 / $1,180
座位 Seated:HK$1,480 / $1,180 / $980

Age limit for Standing zone: 12 or above and Height limit: 140 cm or above. Age limit for Seated zone: 3 or above.

每張門票需要加上 HK$12 平台手續費。
An additional booking fee of HK$12 is applicable to each ticket.